Migraines suck.

There’s no way around it. Throughout the life of a migraneur (someone who suffers from migraines) the characteristics of migraine episodes may change. Pain may not always be the worse symptom. Other symptoms such as nausea, light sensitivity or fatigue may play a more significant role in how debilitating a migraine can be. For something that can cause such variable symptoms, is it fair to think of migraine as just a headache? It turns out that no, it isn’t. Migraine is so much more than pain. It involves activation of sensory pathways that lead to all different symptoms.

Click play on the video below and learn about just how complex migraine is. I talk about the different symptoms and why they happen. I hope that learning more about migraine empowers you to talk to your doctor about YOUR symptoms and how best to get them taken care of!




“I had a stroke”